Is this a dream or is real?
What is this strange event
Which is about to reveal
A music a hymn a concent?
Which fires my gun with power
With the subtle spark of desire
And makes my flute sing louder
With a voice of triumphant fire
I can't bear it a moment longer
Exclaims Beelzebub in love
Like a passionate dove
Like an impetuous wind
Hot and desert sharp
A melody I am going to find
On the strings of this harp
We'll go floating together
On a wonderful bark
We'll float as light as a feather
One body one life and one spark.
Hands entwined
Heart within heart beating
Your muted breathing
Sparkles life in me
And keeps forever burning
That flame glorious and free
Which of two makes one being
For flame feeds on flame
And love feeds on love
And they live in the frame
Of a sphere high above
Like the moon that shines
With one light divine
And let the charmed smile
Which shines on the faces of twain
After a shower of tears
Never be severed again
By any power hostile
This was Beelzebub's song
Short and heartfelt
Loud and strong
In the purple dwelling
On the black bedding
Day after day
Time stood and ran away
Light of hallucination
Air of changeless motion
Poetry without rime
One thought without time