Ferruccio Cajani
Ferruccio Cajani was born in Milan in 1927, 1) the eldest child
of a well to do family of the upper middle class of the nineteen thirties –
nineteen-fifties, prominent in those years like the Crespis and the Juckers.
His father, Lorenzo Cajani, 2) was one of the founding fathers of the Inter
Football Club and was a hero of World War One. When the war was over, he took
up again his social activity and took up again his successful career as a
lawyer. Ferruccio was a student at the Liceo Parini of Milan, where his
schoolfriends were Enrico Maria Salerno and Guido Rocca.3)
In fact when the bombings became too frequent, his father decided to send him to
their villa at Oggebbio 4) on Lake Maggiore , where he joined his sister and
his mother. Even there, on the shores of the lake, on the borders of the
partisan republic of Ossola, Ferruccio was a “witness” to the horrors, the
crimes and cruelty of war, such as the continual capturing raids, the reprisal
killing of thirty young boys (who, captured by the Germans, were made to march
for many miles up to the place where they were executed, at the mouth of the
river Toce) or the death of the gardener of the villa, whose murdered body was
found by the family. Many of his comrades joined the ranks of the
“Repubblichini” and others became Partisans (on the personal plane they
remained friends and at the end of the war they were ready to give, if need be,
a helping hand to one another). For many of them, however, there was no
return. Ferruccio instead, who owing to his small stature and his slight build
looked much younger than his years, never took part in any activity and was
never halted by the Germans (who were patrolling the area and the borders of the
Ossola in particular) when he was daily cycling from Oggebbio to the College of
Pallanza (Padri Marianisti). When the war was over, he came back to Milan and
graduated in medicine. With some members of his family he founded a
pharmaceutical factory, where he was in charge of research and the production
of medicines. After some initial success, owing to inefficient administration,
the enterprise failed, causing deep rifts in family relationships. Because of
all this, he moved to the small town of Bovisio Masciago, where he practised
as medical doctor with the National Health Service, while carrying on a private
practice as dental surgeon. Anyway he never stopped considering himself a Milanese nor did he ever cease his daily
relationships for leisure and culture with his native city. The pivot year for the poet and artist
Ferruccio Cajani was 1976, when, having fallen in love with an Australian
lady, he anglicized his poetry and his own name signing himself Ferruccio
Adolfo Ambroise Cajani or F.A.A. Cajani.
In the wake of Edgar
Allan Poe and his poetry, he composed in quick succession two collections of
poems: “English Poems” and “Squille Belle Squille Eterne e altre poesie
figurate” (Fine peals eternal Peals and other visual works) and “10 Poesie”.
The title “Squille Belle” is a quotation of a well-known poem by Edgar Allan
Poe, “The Bells”. For its themes, its order of composing and its phonovisual
but also figurative form, it is a fundamental text for our author, who in its
pages experiments and synthetically anticipates his own further developments.
Ever since “Squille Belle” his poetic tension follows two antithetic and
complementary lines: the iconic element prevails over the literary essence “in
the written formula of the language” while the word tends to dissolve into
“musically” ordered phonemes. In “10 Poesie”, a book edited by his sculptor
friend Victor Lucena, the visual experimenting goes deeper. One poetic text,
written in English, “with the occasional peeping in of relics of other languages
in their way of reversion to dialect” is visualized in ten “pictures” with a
variety of painting techniques (from the catalogue “Domopak”, 1987). The text
having been “erased” mainly through the use of colour, by colour itself words,
letters and relics are thrown into relief. Some lines are “cancelled”, some
“messages” come to life: “be-hold gold”, “lutto di famiglia” (family mourning)
etc. The collection to which the text belongs, “English Poems”, where Poe’s
musical and poetic influence is noticeable, will on the contrary remain
unpublished until the early twenty-first century, when it will be published on
ULU-LATE (www.ulu-late.com).
The collaboration with Lucena will continue until the nineties. In 1978, with
another sculptor friend, Giordano Arzuffi, Cajani attends the courses by
Tadini, Veronesi, Mo and Azuma at the newly founded “Nuova Accademia” of Milan.
The authorial research seems to achieve its solution into surrealism with the
“invention” of the pure title. “Vite di Editori” (Publishers’ lives) and
“Teofania”, defined as “unbiblical” books, in one copy only, both of 1978,
consist in very few pages, the chromatic backgrounds of which are in dialectic
contrast with coloured adhesive tapes... The literary element definitely
recedes and disappears in the next Duchamp inspired work “Il Tennista” (The
Tennis Player) – Anno 2 N.12/February 1980” “aided ready made”, dedicated to
the famous Mc Enroe. The research of experimental visual/pictorial character entirely
absorbs the author. While the collaboration with Arzuffi becomes more and more
intense. In the same year the two artists present their work in the exhibition
of Capoliveri (isle of Elba). Cajani exhibits his “Poesie Visive” (Visual
Poems) derived from “Squille Belle”, together with other free compositions,
that is yellow/white temperas on black cardboard with a peremptory writing
(“go home”, “vai via?!”, “perché mi tocchi?!” etc.). A couple of years later,
with Arzuffi, he fits and furnishes as a studio, a site for art, the large
apartment at Varedo, near Milan, where he takes up his residence. He makes, in
addition to various canvasses, many of them of large dimensions, the chairs
and small tables of painted wood, the curtains with a sonnet (“Psiche”) and
other colour writings etc. His exhibitions, both one man and collective become
more frequent. In 1983 “Parole Colorate” (Coloured words) at the Galleria
Vinciana, in Milan and “La Scrittura in Forma” (Writing in Shape) at the town
library Villa Gargantini at Paderno Dugnano, near Milan. In 1987 we find
“Domopak” at the Galleria Vinciana in Milan. Its catalogue is edited by Lucena.
The canvasses are overlaid by shining domopak, painted and engraved, or with
stretched chromatic backgrounds and soft cyclic cottonwool, that is tampax,
pads and toilet paper. They are the canvasses of “Sheperd Good”, “Ubi domopak
ibi spes”, “Domopak nero”, “Sonetto”, “A ritm etica”…
Starting from the
nineties Cajani takes up once more, not in an atypical and occasional way, but
more decisively, his literary activity. His writing continues to be carried out
in a visual, authorial form. It is “autography” as opposed to printed,
“Gutenberg dominated”, homologizing writing. Also Cajani, with other visual
contemporaries of his, continues his research for an autography of his own,
where contents and graphics authorially coincide (cfr “Liliana ou la Poesie”,
2002) “The writings are a thousand, the hand is one only”, whether you write
with a pen, or by tempera in refined colour backgrounds or by computer and the
research by the author ventures to explore a variety of modes for the same
work. As to the work itself, its literary “contents” of ideas, “facit
indignatio versum”. They are the tales of the cycle “Storia di Witulonia” (The
history of Witulonia) that is “Very recent history of Italy” in which the
facts of everyday political chronicle are metaphorized and give rise to tales
of an acrimoniously metaphorical surrealistic and utopian character
(1990-1999s). The neo-surrealistic novel “Come un cadavere ossia Morto che
parla” (Like a dead body, that is the corpse that speaks), where the erotic
element mingles and alternates with the social based invective and with the
autobiographic element (1994-1995). The fantastic/utopian novel “La Valle
dell’Eterna Andata” (The Valley of Eternal Going), where the autobiographic
element, idealized and lyricized returns (1995-2003). Besides outlining a
fiercely authoritarian future society, the narrative thread follows the story
of young Leucofilo (alias the author), which is a tale of initiation to Love
and Death. In 1997 Cajani moves to the apartment in Bovisio Masciago, where he
spent the rest of his life and on the available surfaces of which (walls and
ceilings) he painted (together with his “ apprentice” Caria, from Sardinia)
symbolical and figurative frescoes, colour modulations, new “writings”.
In the same year Cajani presents his one man
exhibition “Non perdete il Tram” (Don’t miss the tram) at the Palazzo
Odescalchi, the Town Hall of Bovisio Masciago, with a performance in which the
town vips take part and of which a catalogue is issued.
At the start of the new millennium, in the year 2000, on the occasion of his one
man anthological exhibition “Non vale la pena di leggere” (Not worth reading) -
performance of the same title by Michele Ciarla and by the actors and mimes of
the “ La Baracca” company of Monza, on the premises of Luigi Olivetti’s
Milanese Association Archivi del ’900, he meets “L” (Liliana
Ebalginelli). In the same year he collaborates, with a poster composed with
the graphic artist Michele Riboldi and with a scenic plot of his own, to the
exhibition “A!E!I!O!U! Aldo Palazzeschi 1905-1914” which Ebalginelli is organizing for Archivi del ’900. The two artists have
successfully worked together ever since. The immediate result was a four hand
work, a visual poem, “Voyage” (lilianaebalginelli Editrice, 2001). In the year
2001 they founded the bilingual (Italian and English) online review of
contemporary poetry ULU-LATE (www.ulu-late.com>), in which takes part the
visual and sound poet Arrigo Lora Totino. Over
the years the review has introduced some of the most important Italian and
international visual and sound poets and published many of the still
unpublished literary works by Cajani, also in their French and English version:
“Liliana ou la poésie. A dialogue of the visual poem”, some of the tales from “Storia di Witulonia”, “La Valle dell’Eterna Andata Senza Ritorno” (The Valley of the Eternal Going with no return),
“Belzebù sposo” (The Marriage of Beelzebub),
“Kubla Khan risanato” (Kubla Khan healed),
“English Poems” etc.
In the same year, 2001, Cajani and Ebalginelli founded the lilianaebalginelli
editrice, a publishing company de facto, a society for the experimental
publishing of phonic CDs and visual e-books (up to 2005 when the company was
closed). Since 2006 ULU-LATE was managed by liliana Ebalginelli on her own,
while Cajani opened his site LI-GEIA (www.li-geia.com). Here Cajani published
his own poetic works, composed for the purpose, experimenting new multimedial
mingling of figurative visualness and electronic writing and phonic reciting,
both supported and unsupported by a given musical basis. At the same time he
carried on the visual computer elaboration of “Incudine ai Tropici, romanzo
globale” (An anvil at the Tropics, a global novel), an erotic-utopian novel
printed in 2008. Some of his books are to be found at Paolo della Grazia’s Archivio di Nuova Scrittura at the MART of Trento and Rovereto. Some of his works of visual poetry have been acquired by the Museo della Carale Accatino of Ivrea (near Turin) and by the MACma of Matino (near Lecce).
Cajani died suddenly in strange and certainly dramatic circumstances in his apartment of Bovisio Masciago on 7th April of the current year (2014). He had been working on his temperas and on a new tale, taken from his cycle “The history of Witulonia”, availing himself of the work of Giorgio Annoni for the PC transcription of his visual text. He also intended to have “Liliane ou la poésie, a Dialogue on visual poem”, with the versions in English and in French
by Liliana (L) and Eleonora Heger Vita, printed and for this purpose he had recently asked Liliana to lend him a hand with the collected texts.
1st November 2014
1) Most of the present article has been published
in the monograph “Ferruccio Cajani with love and with anger” by Adriano Accattino, Edizioni Museo della Carale Accattino, Ivrea 2009.
2) Cfr don Vittorio Maini “TheGreat War.The
sacrifice of the Alpine battalion Monte Clapier” edited by L.Cortelletti and R. Greselin, Gino Rosso editore,
2013. In particular, the commander Lorenzo Cajani is remembered for having
devised and carried out in person the raid of Castelletto, above Cortina. The
impregnable Austrian position was taken thanks to the excavation of a long
gallery in the hard rocks through which the soldiers passed, led by Captain
Cajani, and attacked from the back and captured the Austrian soldiers. The
commander was later entrusted with the command of the battalion Monte Clapier
during the withdrawal of Caporetto.
3) E.M.Salerno was to become a famous Italian
actor and producer. Guido Rocca was going to follow his father’s example and
become a successful journalist,author and playwright. He was to die young.
4) The villa, bought by his maternal grandfather,
had been Ponchielli’s villa. It was endowed with a beautiful park, a landing
harbor and a tennis court. It was attended by the nicest young people of Milan.
After the war it was sold to German buyers and without any opposition from the
local authorities, it was pulled down and rebuilt on new lines.
F & L, A!E!i!O!U! Aldo Palazzeschi, October 2000, photo Michele Ciarla
Sulla ruota del nulla, 70 x 50, 2011, tempera, Luperto collection, photo Giovanni Giangrande
Go and Catch, tempera, 70 x 50, 2011, Luperto collection, photo Giovanni Giangrande
Chiara e Olimpia vegliano il morto, tempera, 70 x 50, 1997, collection MACma, Matino
Casa-Opera of Ferruccio Cajani, Bovisio Masciago, Milano, May 2014, photo Aurelio Heger & L