Emilio Villa’s
sybilline poetry
Emilio Villa passed away on 14th
January 2003. He had been born at Affori, near Milan in 1914. He spent
his life in Milan, Florence, Sao Paolo (Brazil) and most of all in Rome,
engaging in studies of Semitic - he was an exile from the Vatican Institute
of Biblical Studies – and early Greek philology and working actively
with avant-garde artists both Italian and foreign. He carried out a remarkable
prose translation of the Odyssey (1964) and he also translated some cuneiform
tablets of the Accadic poem “Enuma Eli” (1939). Moreover he
carried out a long labour of interpretation of some passages of the Bible,
of the Pentateuch in particular. He contributed to several cultural reviews,
such as “Frontispizio”, “Letteratura”, “Arti
visive” (1953-56), to avant-garde magazines, such as “Ex”
(1961-65) and “Tau/ma” (1980).
Some of his most significant writings on contemporary art are collected
in “Attributi dell’arte odierna” (1947-67) reedited
by Aldo Tagliaferri (Feltrinelli, 1970).
For a long time his poetry was ignored by critics mainly because Villa
was always indifferent to the fortune of his poetic work, which he preferred
to publish in very limited editions or on catalogues of his artist friends
or on half-clandestine reviews, thus purposefully achieving a maximum
of dispersion.
In 1989, however, for the publisher Coliseum (Milan) the greatest expert
of Villa’s work, Aldo Tagliaferri, edited the first part of his
poetic works, collecting texts of the period 1934-1958. The anticipated
second part has not yet appeared.
Villa writes also in Italian, a language which, however, he has never
loved because, according to him it is “a language of slavery”
of a pompously academic “Ytaglya”. He chose to write in the
dialect of Milan, but above all in a very fanciful latin of his own creation,
with piquant branching off into ancient Greek, Provençal and with
Semitic inserts, to land finally into a French of his own that will bewilder
the native speakers of that language. The twisting about to which he submits
the language distorts its ordinary usage though never having recourse
to wayward fancies, but delving into the innermost core of the language,
where he created and experimented unheard of situations.
With Villa there came to light the event of a poetry which is both a philological
draft and a work of hermeneutics in a “magmatic and enigmatic”
blend (Tagliaferri in “Parole silenziose”, (Silent Words)
“Opera Poetica” I, already quoted).
This is not yet the case with the collection “Oramai”(By Now)
of 1947, written in Italian with slang and dialect inlets and in crepuscular
tones alluded to in the title of the collections, of irretrievable loss,
tones which will later tend to rise in more and more ardent tones where
that “oramai” (by now) will take the shape of nostalgia for
the lost innocence of Eden.
In this vision of the world history is refused: “ Even at the pub
we believe we are at the pub, and instead we are all of us in history,
see Pascarella. On the contrary history is all a continuous mistake that
never stops and is never tired of going wrong, of doing things all over
again, of revising, of changing its mind, of stating one thing today only
to take it all back tomorrow” (see his review of “Stalin,
zar di tutte le Russie” by E. Lyons on “L’Italia che
scrive”, December 1941).
With his refusal of history is connected his criticism of the relationship
between things and words: who what expects to hear words/hey you/ are
you expecting to hear things among things? Every guy expects to hear things
and words? But who what. and the words he says, where are they?”
(“Sì, ma lentamente”,-Yes but slowly- 1954) and Villa
will finally choose to speak words and no longer things.
But of things he will speak once more in “La tenzone” a mock
Provençal form of an exchange of alternating stanzas, composed
in a mixture of Lombard and Roman Dialects, with invented words and an
invective against post-war “Ytaglya”.
In the fifties Villa got to work to merge together his experiences as
glottologist, philologist, translator and poet to create a language of
his own, which Tagliaferri describes as “a very personal expression
of the neo-alexandrine vocation of our age” (in “Parole silenziose”,
op. cit.), aimed at the co-existence of experiences originating from multifarious
cultures and above all “bound for a very remote past, for the mystery
of the origins of language, far beyond the syncretism between Hellenism
and Judaism”, so far as to ask oneself if “ a cromlech might
not be more intense and spasmodic than the Parthenon or Bernini’s
colonnade” ( from “Ciò che è primitivo”
in Arti visive” may 1953).
Into this channel there flowed the two years’ experience (1950-52)
in Brazil, where literary culture, especially on the part of the “Noigandres”
group of concrete poets took as its models Pound, Joyce and Cummings.
One of the techniques he acquired is the collage of fragments of lyrical
situations, a means of expression which originated from Blaise Cendrars’
“Découpage poétique” and was to have an enormous
success with Apollinaire, Pound, Eliot, Gide, to say nothing of the dada
experiments and the recent Anglo- American “cut up” of Brion
Gysin and William Burroughs.
Besides collage, there puts in an appearance a singular variant of glossolalia,
which is that “odd speaking” already mentioned by St Paul
in a letter to the Corinthians, a form present under certain situations
of mystic frenzy with many religious communities. Villa’s glossolalia
stems from the ferment of a linguistic material teeming with phonic puns,
etymologic conjectures, of unexpected juxtapositions, where the sound
generates the sense, constantly risking nonsense.
And Villa is always willing to free euphony from meaning: certain passages
are altogether obscure, even though something phosphorescent is perceived
as among abysmal phantom essences : Here is the voice of a Sybil: “Sibilla
spuria sibillina discissa per os/…sibilla umbra sedumbrans ad umbris…umbrarumque
mysticantia sibilla sexus” (in Sibilla Burri”) or again “Sibilla
labialis, alis labi queas, limine clam/sigillata, sillaba labyrinthia,
labilis labi lilium” ( in “Sibilla labia”, 1980-84).
Thus an area is created where the highest degree of semantic ambiguity
reigns in an everlasting transformation. It goes without saying that Villa’s
glossolalia is the apotheosis of philological multilinguism – in
Semitic languages etymological puns are frequent – as well as of
neologism elected as method of composing: the poet acts on the physicality
of the word, in the underground of linguistic sedimentation.
To give an example, taken from the collection “Verboracula”
(on the review “Tau/ma”, 1981) the name Artemis is made to
derive from Akkadic and Sumerian phonic sequences. Here is the text:
leges sumerice arademe, dim, sa
Ara, seu, akkadice namru h.e. splendescens
splendid splendita splenduit
aut situ, h.e.exiens (luna) in coelo
that is in Sumerian “arade
me dim sa ara”, that is in akkadic “namru”, that is
splendescens splendit splendida splenduit or “situ” that is
exiens (the moon) in coelo where “ara” sumero e “namru”
akkadic, mean to resplend and me, in Sumerian means the divine power.
Such outcomes correspond to the different attitude which in the twentieth
century the writer has taken up concerning language, conceived not essentially
as a vehicle for meanings, but rather as pure material to be analysed
in a continuous process of associations and dissociations which starts
from the Words at Large of Futurism and from the transmental language
–zaum- of Velemir Chlebnikov, Aleksej Krucdenych and Iliazd to end
in the total detachment from meaning which is a feature of dadaism.
With some authors thought seems to develop from sounds and one tends to
think with one’s ears rather than with one’s brain:
“ similar sound means similar meaning” wrote Igor’ G.
Terent already in 1919 ( in “17 worthless implements”, Tiflis)
and in actual fact in every poet there is a transrational aspect.
In “Linguistica” ( from “ E ma dopo” (But then),
1950) Villa wrote: “There are no more origins. Nor can one know
if./ if origins existed and not even…, which is consequential with
that sense of absolute loss already foreshadowed in “Oramai”.
But the search for an Edenic language will always be with him and links
him with Chlebnikov, also a poet – a philologist that delves into
words and reconstructs them with novel blends of roots, suffixes and prefixes:
the linguistic experiment becomes an aesthetic act. Also akin to Villa’s
splitting and joining of words is Chlebnikov’s “phonic writing”,
which is the search for the intimate fusions of sympathetic sounds separated
from their meaning. Thus in Villa the process of accumulation through
the use of suffixes and prefixes in a process of nomination which is all
a maze of etymologic cross-references.
A central point in Villa’s poetic world is the role of the Sibyl,
vox clamantis in tenebris verborum, which embodies the fundamental ambiguity
of language through the figure of the enigma which, already for Aristotle
is the ancestor of the metaphor.
The enigma puts a strain on the faculty of communication: if the word
is a gift of the gods, the enigma is set to man by the god in a semantic
In order to better understand Villa’s idea of the relationship between
the divine and the human, one should have recourse to the extracts of
his unfinished essay “L’arte dell’uomo primordiale”
(The art of primeval man), written around 1965, where sacrifice “sacrificium
facere” the killing of the victim is considered as an act of nutrition
which makes one divine, but at the same time not transcendent: the “Nourishing-Nutritional-Absolute
is pure substance and symbol at the same time. The act of violence is
positively natural and the sign-incision-wound is the symbol of transfusion
of vital energies. With the birth of painting, of the so-called prehistoric
art, the sign, as expression of the symbol, tends to take the place of
the sacrificial rite.
In contemporary art Villa sees the act of cutting by Fontana, in the seams
in Burri’s sacks, in Pollock’s “dripping “ a return
to the primeval sign-symbols, from which historic and technologic man
has fatally become estranged.” (A. Tagliaferri in “Su E. Villa”,
il Verri n. 7-8, Novembre 1998).
In its turn the impossibility to delve into the ineffability of a primeval
language implies accepting the fact that poetry is not pureness but a
compromise that mirrors the human condition of the loss of the divine,
of childhood, perhaps of childish animality and therefore of a fall, perhaps
of an original sin, of an objective guilt, of expulsion from Eden, of
a forcible descent from the airy spaces of the ancestral forest. If it
is compromise, poetry will have to accept the degradation of language,
the informal of matter , and in this sense Villa’s poetry corresponds
to the essentials of abstract expressionism of Pollock, of Gorky or to
the tragic informal of Burri: an informal lexicon, therefore, of the “langue
nulle, degree zero” (in “L’homme qui descend quelque,
Roman métamitique”, Msagma, Roma 1974): a space into which
the phrase dissolves, never to be recovered again except by flashes, with
the danger at every step of sinking into the void of nonsense, into the
“trou” of nothingness or of primeval chaos. And “trou”
is the title of four poems related to Fontanas Holes, contemporary with
the series of the Sibyllae”.
In Villa’s poetic horizon there is always present an absolute a-historical
value, that deus absconditus which is at the same time the ephemeral and
the eternal, the beginning and the end, the uroburos.
If Schwitters, dadaist, creates his Merz with waste matter, Villa, on
his part, sketches with a tragically mocking gesture on the immaculate
“blanc” of the page, original power “inanis et vacua”
– but already Mallarmé had written “la destruction
fut ma Beatrice” – a lexical melting pot which mixes again
and again series of paradoxical puns, a continuous deformation-contamination
of terms, the indifferent use of several languages and creates an all-embracing
, inarticulate, total, polysemeiotic language, chock full of spelling
accidents and coffer-words “arboranea (tree and spider) “obnubilanti
deo” (clouded and joyful god) “nuxnox” (night-nut) –
and of split words – “m’ori (un) tur”(they are
born and die), “n omina” (nomen omen) – a chaotic and
hierophantic search for the foundations of words-things lost in the labyrinthic
“spider’s web of whispering millennia”.
(there follows “Antologia
Antologia Minima
“Dichiarazioni di un soldato morto”, da “Oramai –
Pezzi, composizioni, antifone. 1936-1945”, Istituto Grafico Tiberino,
Roma, 1947
“La Tenzone” (1948)
“Linguistica”, da “E ma dopo”, Argo, Roma, 1950
“Sibylla (foedus, foetus),” da “12 Sibyllae”,
M. Lombardelli Ed., Castelvetro Piacentino, 1995
“Poesia in greco classico più traduzione dell’Autore”,
da “Le mura di t;éb;è”, galleria Multimedia,
Brescia, 1981
“Oramai. Pezzi, composizioni, antifone.
1936-1945”, Istituto Grafico Tiberino, Roma, 1947
“E ma dopo”, Argo, Roma, 1950 (con disegni di Mirko)
“17 variazioni su temi proposti per una pura ideologia fonetica”,
Origine, Roma, 1955 (99 copie + 5)
“3 ideologie da piazza del popolo / senza l’imprimatur”,
Roma, 1958, (con 3 opere di Nuvolo)
“Comizio 1953”, Roma, 1959
“Heurarium”, Edizioni EX, Roma, 1961
“Traitée de pédérasthie céleste”,
Colonnese, Napoli, 1969
“Phrenodiae quinque de coitu mirabili”, La Nuova Foglio, Pollenza-Macerata,
“The Flippant Ball-Feel”, Piacenza, 1973 (600 copie in occasione
della mostra di tre flippers di W. Xerra e C. Costa)
“L’homme qui descend quelque: roman métamytique”,
Magma, Roma, 1974 (con 6 tavole xilografiche di Claudio Parmiggiani)
“le mura di t;éb;è”, galleria Multimedia, Brescia,
“Opere Poetiche I”, a cura di A. Tagliaferri, Coliseum, Milano,
“12 Sibyllae”, a cura di A. Tagliaferri, M. Lombardelli Ed.,
Castelvetro Piacentino, 1995
“Letania per Carmelo Bene”, Scheiwiller, Milano, 1996
“Zodiaco”, a cura di A. Tagliaferri e Cecilia Bello, Empirìa,
Roma, 2000
Critical studies
Aldo Tagliaferri, “Parole silenziose”,
in “Opere Poetiche I”, Coliseum Milano, 1990
AA.VV. in “Uomini e idee”, n° 2-4, ottobre 1975 (numero
monografico dedicato a Villa)
Stelio Maria Martini, “L’avanguardia permanente di E. Villa”
in Letteratura italiana. Novecento” diretta da G. Grana, vol. X,
Marzorati, Milano, 1979
Stelio Maria Martini e Luciano Caruso, “Emilio Villa” in “Altro
Polo. A volume of italian studies”, a cura di Raffaele Perrotta,
University of Sydney, 1980
Aldo Tagliaferri, “Occasioni villane” in “Baldus”
anno 1, n° 10, settembre 1990
Gianni Grana, “L’iper(dis)funzione critica. Letteratura (Novecento)
e poteri istituzionali”, Marzorati, Milano, 1980
Gianni Grana, “Babele e il silenzio: genio ‘orfico’
di E. Villa”, Marzorati, Settimo Milanese, 1991
AA.VV., “Il Verri” n° 7-8 novembre 1998, Monogramma, Milano
(numero dedicato a E. Villa)