Franco Verdi by Maurizio Spatola
He graduated in philosophy literature art and theology. In the late nineteen fifties he was lecturer in Theoretical Philosophy at Urbino University. Some of his paintings and collages of concrete poetry can be seen at the museums of Munster Amsterdam Jerusalem Saragossa Milan Urbino Paris and Miami Hanover Zagreb Rome. Sucked in by the vortex of the game of poetry he has left his imprint through many decades on several paths of literary and artistic experiment to start with the most restless and fertile years of the New Vanguard. In 1966 and 1967 he organized together with Arrigo Lora Totino and Adriano Spatola the first great exhibitions of concrete poetry in Italy at Castelfranco Veneto Trieste and Modena. He contributed to the reinstating and the putting back into the paths of culture of Italian Futurists. With the support of Mattioli humanist banker and publisher he was able to obtain from his heirs the permission to make use of Marinetti’s original sound material deposited with the State Archives in Rome. After his death a lot of space in the Veronese magazine “Anterem” was devoted to Franco Verdi by Davide Agnani - poet and art critic from Forlì - and by Domenico Cara - poet and essayist from Milan - and by others. The Roman magazine ”Fermenti” has dedicated to Verdi thirty-six pages of its 235th issue. Alberto Toniolo - a poet from Verona - has written about him: “With Franco we have been through ( late fifties and early sixties) some wonderful years with the creation of impossible committees against the atom and literary and vanguard magazines and activities ( at the Caffè Dante in Verona or in Bologna with Adriano Spatola) which we figured as an enlightening of poetry as conscience shaping tool. Then the years changed and so did we. We kept in touch from afar always in a friendly way until we finally lost touch as only the history of poets can allow.” Hereunder there follow four visual poems three of which are taken from his booklet Aperti in squarci (Effe Press 1965) and one drawn in pencil in 1999 and five linear poems four of which from the already quoted magazine “Fermenti” and the last ironic published on issue 7 of 1978 of the magazine “Aperti in squarci”. Some works of his of visual linear poetry essay and fiction are: Tempo (Effe Press 1966) Com'è necessario e nelle regole (Gastaldi 1967)nbsp;Quattro movimenti per un significato (Rebellato 1969) La voce degli astri (Laboratorio delle Arti 1973) La scimmia con le mani dietro la schiena (Geiger 1976) Poesia concreta (Factotumbook 1979) La formazione il codice (Campanotto 1979) Poesia concreta Poesia visiva Scrittura poetica (1979) La Canzona ovvero i gargarismi della fecondità an essay on sound poetry (1979) Una rosa è una rosa e una rosa (with Sarenco - Factotumbook 1989) Liber (Factotumbook 1989) Il cerchio perfetto a novel (Bonaccorso Editore 2001). The books Aperti in squarci and La scimmia con le mani dietro la schiena are wholly reproduced together with texts of criticism on the author in www.archiviomauriziospatola.com