Sergio Cena was born in Turin in 1948 and has been living
in France, in the Vaucluse since 1994. A painter and visual poet he has
taken part from 1973 onwards in many poetry festivals both in Italy and
abroad. Together with Arrigo Lora Totino he has performed many shows both
of mimic recitation of the historical vanguard, particularly futurist
and of gymnastic and sound poetry with the series " L'ora di cena
da Totino"
(Supper time at Totino's, with a play on words based on Lora Totino's
surname) and with his "Pappapoemi", or Eatpoems, poems to be
gobbled up.Since 1980, the year it was founded he has been a member of
the Italian group of sound authors "Il dolce stil suono" (a
paraphrase of the name of the medieval group of Florentine poets to whom
Dante belonged). He appears in the anthology of records "Futura poesia
sonora -Future Sound Poetry- (Crampa Records, Milan 1978) both with texts
of his own or with other contributors and lending his voice to a sound
reconstruction of futurist
The visual works that we are presenting here can be divided into three
trends of research. The first is the dactylogramme, with the sometimes
exasperated use of the typing medium in sophisticated compositions where
also his experience as professional printing and engraving expert played
a part.
The second is the one which the author calls "Topogrammes":
erased texts distinguished by the fact that the single letters that compose
them, successively leave an empty space in the alphabetical succession.
See for instance "The rest is silence" the phrase which concludes
the tragedy of Hamlet. The text that follows is the corresponding reverse
in positive.
The third research is given by the series of phantasmagoric images obtained
by erasing by means of solvents part of pictures taken from illustrated
magazines and the like.
This technique was introduced in the late 1960ies by the Czech author
Ladislav Novàk with his "alchimages" and taken up again
by Lambrto Pienotti about 1975 with his "visible-invisible"
series. The main characteristic of these performances by Cena is not so
much the ironic aspect as a feeling of the presence of intriguing mysterious